Emerging Leader Training for Clean Water Professionals


NACWA and Core Consulting are collaborating to help your water professionals elevate to their full leadership potential to power the future of the water sector. Core Leadership is your one-stop shop for PROGRAMS and SERVICES designed to elevate your leadership, strategy and teams. Learn about other leadership and strategy offerings specifically designed for clean water professionals by visiting the Core Leadership website.

Program Description

In collaboration with the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), the Emerging Leader Training program for clean water professionals is a multi-month experience comprised of in-person and virtual interactions. The program operates on a cohort model, with several utilities selecting a few participants to form a class of 15-20 people. Several cohorts from around the country experience the program at the same time, presenting opportunities for water sector collaboration regionally and nationally. Wiley’s Work of Leaders is used as the framework for a curriculum that moves through four modules (discovering self, crafting a vision, building alignment, championing execution) and the program incorporates a variety of interactions including peer-to-peer networking, mentors, speakers, and tours. The program concludes by identifying specific strategies for applying leadership learning in the workplace.

“I believe utilities can shape the course of environmental protection into the next century by working together. The Emerging Leader Training offers utilities a unique learning opportunity while also inspiring collaboration that betters the industry.”

Adam Krantz, Chief Executive Officer of NACWA

Learn about other leadership and strategy offerings specifically designed for clean water professionals by visiting the Core Leadership website.